Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties. We pride ourselves on our team of specialist doctors and advanced technologies to ensure we provide the best healthcare to our patients.

Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties. We pride ourselves on our team of specialist doctors and advanced technologies to ensure we provide the best healthcare to our patients.

Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties. We pride ourselves on our team of specialist doctors and advanced technologies to ensure we provide the best healthcare to our patients.

Berlin Hospital
Berlin Hospital
Berlin Hospital
Berlin Hospital
Berlin Hospital
Berlin Hospital

Berlin Hospitals

Berlin Hospitals offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties. We pride ourselves on our team of specialist doctors and advanced technologies to ensure we provide the best healthcare to our patients.

Our medical specialties

Berlin Hospitals offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties. We pride ourselves on our team of specialist doctors and advanced technologies to ensure we provide the best healthcare to our patients.

  • Surgical departments Surgical departments
  • Plastic surgery Plastic surgery
  • Women and Childhood Women and Childhood
  • Subspecialties Subspecialties
  • Dental services Dental services
  • Beauty Department Beauty Department
  • Orthopedics Orthopedics
The Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery at the Berlin Health Care Hospital is well equipped for all elective and emergency general surgery cases.

By endoscope

The Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery at the Berlin Health Care Hospital is well equipped for all elective and emergency general surgery cases.

Our specialized knee and shoulder center offers surgical and non-surgical treatment of knee injuries and conditions for patients of all ages.

joint replacement

Our specialized knee and shoulder center offers surgical and non-surgical treatment of knee injuries and conditions for patients of all ages.

Wound healing treatments in community hospitals include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, debridement, and special dressings and wraps.

Wound care

Wound healing treatments in community hospitals include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, debridement, and special dressings and wraps.

We offer innovative and individualized surgical options, and provide the highest quality of surgical care and recovery.

General Surgery

We offer innovative and individualized surgical options, and provide the highest quality of surgical care and recovery.

The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Berlin Hospital offers specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.


The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Berlin Hospital offers specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Berlin Hospital offers specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

Face lift

The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Berlin Hospital offers specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery provides specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.


Plastic and reconstructive surgery provides specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery provides specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

Botox and fillers

Plastic and reconstructive surgery provides specialized care for patients who require surgery for a variety of reasons and indications.

At Community Breast Care, we have set an ambitious goal: to increase the number of breast cancer survivors.

Women's beauty

At Community Breast Care, we have set an ambitious goal: to increase the number of breast cancer survivors.

Breast health is an important part of a woman's overall health. Starting in your early 20s, it's important to perform home self-exams and have annual clinical breast exams.

Osteoporosis and Breast Health Care

Breast health is an important part of a woman's overall health. Starting in your early 20s, it's important to perform home self-exams and have annual clinical breast exams.

Preconception, pregnancy, newborn care, midlife health, breast health, fertility, pelvic health and more…


Preconception, pregnancy, newborn care, midlife health, breast health, fertility, pelvic health and more…




يقدم خبراء أمراض الرئة في مستشفيات برلين المشورة بشأن الخدمات العلاجية التشخيصية والوقائية للمرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض تؤثر على الرئتين والتنفس…

أمراض الرئة والصدر

يقدم خبراء أمراض الرئة في مستشفيات برلين المشورة بشأن الخدمات العلاجية التشخيصية والوقائية للمرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض تؤثر على الرئتين والتنفس…

يتخصص قسم الأنف والأذن والحنجرة لدينا في تشخيص وعلاج جميع أمراض الأذن والأنف والحنجرة والرأس والرقبة لدى الأطفال والبالغين.

الأنف والأذن والحنجرة

يتخصص قسم الأنف والأذن والحنجرة لدينا في تشخيص وعلاج جميع أمراض الأذن والأنف والحنجرة والرأس والرقبة لدى الأطفال والبالغين.

في كل عام، يتم تشخيص ملايين الأشخاص باضطرابات في الجهاز الهضمي، تتراوح من اضطراب المعدة العرضي إلى سرطان القولون والمستقيم الأكثر تهديدًا للحياة.

أمراض الجهاز الهضمي

في كل عام، يتم تشخيص ملايين الأشخاص باضطرابات في الجهاز الهضمي، تتراوح من اضطراب المعدة العرضي إلى سرطان القولون والمستقيم الأكثر تهديدًا للحياة.

تقدم الرعاية الصحية في برلين رعاية كاملة للقلب والأوعية الدموية لجراحة القلب، وأطباء قلب خبراء، والاستشارات الوراثية للقلب والأوعية الدموية…

أمراض القلب

تقدم الرعاية الصحية في برلين رعاية كاملة للقلب والأوعية الدموية لجراحة القلب، وأطباء قلب خبراء، والاستشارات الوراثية للقلب والأوعية الدموية…

يفقد الناس أسنانهم طوال الوقت، إما بسبب الصدمة (عندما يتم خلع الأسنان) أو بسبب التسوس أو أمراض اللثة أو الشيخوخة.

زرع الأسنان

يفقد الناس أسنانهم طوال الوقت، إما بسبب الصدمة (عندما يتم خلع الأسنان) أو بسبب التسوس أو أمراض اللثة أو الشيخوخة.

التعويضات السنية، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم طب الأسنان الاصطناعي، هي مجال متخصص في طب الأسنان. وهو يشمل تشخيص وعلاج فقدان أنسجة الأسنان والفم بشكل كبير.


التعويضات السنية، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم طب الأسنان الاصطناعي، هي مجال متخصص في طب الأسنان. وهو يشمل تشخيص وعلاج فقدان أنسجة الأسنان والفم بشكل كبير.

ليس الممثلون والممثلات المشهورون فقط هم الذين يريدون ابتسامة هوليود؛ الجميع تقريبا يريد أن يكون لديه أسنان جميلة. ذلك لأننا نعلم جميعًا أن وجود أسنان بيضاء مستقيمة سيعزز جاذبيتنا.

طب الأسنان التجميلي

ليس الممثلون والممثلات المشهورون فقط هم الذين يريدون ابتسامة هوليود؛ الجميع تقريبا يريد أن يكون لديه أسنان جميلة. ذلك لأننا نعلم جميعًا أن وجود أسنان بيضاء مستقيمة سيعزز جاذبيتنا.

من المعروف أن فريقنا من أطباء الأسنان العامين في دبي يتفهم مشاعر الكثيرين تجاه زيارات طبيب الأسنان. سوف تندهش من استعدادهم للاستماع إليك

طب الأسنان العام

من المعروف أن فريقنا من أطباء الأسنان العامين في دبي يتفهم مشاعر الكثيرين تجاه زيارات طبيب الأسنان. سوف تندهش من استعدادهم للاستماع إليك

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Card Description

Card Description

Card Subtitle

Card Description

Our medical departments

All our departments provide healthcare services according to international standards in a variety of specialties.

Best hospital in Dubai

Berlin Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Dubai, combining advanced medical expertise with comprehensive healthcare.

Number of patients treated
+ 0
Number of medical specialties
+ 0
Years of work
+ 0
Number of successful operations
+ 0

Why choose us? 

Our medical team is highly specialized and efficient, supported by the latest medical technologies to ensure the best possible care.

Long experience

Over 20 years of experience providing advanced and comprehensive healthcare.

Advanced technology

Equipped with the latest medical technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Surgical successes

We have performed more than 10,000 successful operations in various medical specialties.

Specialized medical team

A team of more than 100 doctors specialized in various medical fields.

Customized Care

We care about providing personalized healthcare to each patient to ensure the best results.

International Accreditations

Accredited by international medical bodies and awarded for medical excellence.

Berlin Hospital Media 

Our medical team is highly specialized and efficient, supported by the latest medical technologies to ensure the best possible care.

Our medical team 

At Berlin Hospital, we are proud of our distinguished medical team, which includes a group of specialized doctors and experienced nurses.

Customer reviews

At Berlin Hospital, we are proud of our distinguished medical team, which includes a group of specialized doctors and experienced nurses.

Berlin Hospital Offers 

At Berlin Hospital, we are proud of our distinguished medical team, which includes a group of specialized doctors and experienced nurses.


At Berlin Hospital, we are proud of our distinguished medical team, which includes a group of specialized doctors and experienced nurses.

Healthy Smiles, Inside & Out

Having a healthy smile on your face can cheer up the people around you. Everyone likes to maintain the perfect looking teeth for a healthy

Contact us 

At Berlin Hospital, we are proud of our distinguished medical team, which includes a group of specialized doctors and experienced nurses.