Berlin Hospital bariatric services provides surgical weight loss options, adjustable gastric lap band, gastric sleeve and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass to have life long term weight loss in a safe way. A medical weight loss program is also available for those who desire a non-surgical approach.

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, there are two basic approaches to weight loss surgery for obesity. Both approaches can be combined in weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass.

Food intake is reduced using limiting techniques.

Absorption methods can affect digestion, allowing food to be badly digested and absorbed, resulting in it being evacuated in the stool.

For people to lose weight without surgery with the help of our bariatric doctors, we do have a non-surgical medical weight loss program.

Gastric Sleeve

The gastric sleeve method for weight reduction is a procedure that decreases the size of the stomach so you feel full with more smaller portions.

Medical Weight Loss

For quick results, Our non-surgical weight reduction and health program is for people who try to get in shape—from 10 lbs to many pounds.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the most commonly performed weight reduction techniques in the United Arab Emirates.  During the procedure, the stomach is divided into two pouches to limit food intake and redirect digestion to reduce absorption of fat and calories in food.

LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding

The LAP-BAND® System is an FDA-approved weight loss device appropriate for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35+ or a BMI of 30-34 with an obesity-related health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension or sleep apnea.

ORBERA® – Managed Weight Loss System

The ORBERA® program starts with a weight loss balloon placed in your stomach – and then removed in six months – to help with portion control and ultimately improve weight loss.

Bariatric Surgery

One of the most difficult diseases to be cured from remains to be Obesity.  Some people are not able to follow the Diet and Exercise as advised. Numerous studies exposed that bariatric surgery & weight-loss surgery, is the appropriate procedure to help those people lose weight and improve their healthy living.

Usually, Obese people develop serious conditions that include but not limited to: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, breathing problems, and infertility.

In contrast to bariatric surgery, people going under this surgical procedure experience a great improvement in their health status. In addition to its guaranteed weight loss, it lowers high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Gradually, it eliminates the breathing problems, stops the disease progression, and reduces risks of developing new serious conditions.

Candidates Of Bariatric Surgery Should Be Meeting The Following Criteria:

  • They should be between 18-65 years old. The younger or older patients are considered in some cases.
  • They should have followed a medically supervised weight-loss program with no success
  • They should have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and more, or a BMI of 30-39.9 with a presence of one or more long-term conditions. BMI= weight (kg) / height (m) x height (m)
  • Body weight status according to BMI:
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