

kidney banner

Nephrology is a clinical and pediatric specialty defined as the study of normal kidney function, renal disease, kidney treatment, and renal replacement therapy (dialysis and kidney transplantation).


The Nephrology Department at Berlin Hospital is focused on delivering complete medical care to patients with patients with severe renal failure. Electrolyte disturbances; hypertension; acute kidney failure; chronic kidney disease; hematuria; proteinuria; and kidney stones, and also care following a kidney transplant, urinary tract infections, and patients on dialysis are among the situations that our highly experienced team of doctors focuses in getting diagnosed, treating, and having to care.

In addition, the departmental infrastructure is able to care for people who undergo renal replacement therapy, like dialysis and renal transplant patients. At Berlin Hospitals, we believe that patients and families should be able to receive high-quality care from a place they can trust.

The Nephrology department provides treatments and services:

Outpatient Department

  • Nephrotic syndrome (adult and pediatric)
  • General Nephrology
  • Calculus (stone) kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Hypertensive kidney disease
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Diabetes nephropathy (kidney complications due to diabetes)
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  • Renal tubular acidosis
  • Acute kidney injury/disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Screening for early for high – risk individuals (unexplained edema, young hypertensives, proteinuria, family history of kidney disorders, long duration diabetes)

Inpatient Department

  • Critical care Nephrology- ICU dialysis
  • Treatment of kidney ailments that require monitoring and frequent assessment
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
  • Supportive services including – Radiology (MRI, CT scan, Kidney Doppler, USG, MCU), dietary services and counseling.

Procedures Conducted:

  • Hemodialysis – Outpatient and Inpatient
  • Automated kidney biopsy – USG guided
  • Peritoneal catheter insertion
  • Insertion of temporary and tunneled catheter vascular access for hemodialysis