Patient Instruction
Patient Instruction

Patient Instruction

What to Expect:

Prior to surgery, you may require preoperative tests and X-rays, which will be ordered by your physician.

You will be contacted the day before your procedure to review preoperative instructions and confirm your arrival time. If your procedure is scheduled for a Monday, you will receive a call on the prior Friday.


On the day of surgery, If your physician has advised you to take any medication, please do so with as little water as possible. If you are diabetic, you will receive instructions, Stop taking all aspirin and anti-inflammatory products ( e.g., Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, etc.) at least 7 days before your surgery. Tylenol is an acceptable alternative. Stop taking all herbal remedies, weight loss medications and high doses of Vitamin E at least 2 weeks prior to your surgery. If you use an inhaler, remember to bring it with you.

Personal Care & Hygiene:

Eat a light dinner the evening before your surgery. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Do not smoke, eat or drink any beverages (including water) after midnight prior to your surgery.

You may bathe or shower and brush your teeth before coming to the center. Remember, try not to swallow any water. Also, please do not apply body lotion. If you have documented or diagnosed sleep apnea please let someone know at the Center that you have sleep apnea, if you use a C-pap machine bring it with you. We recommended that you wear your hair loosely. Avoid using clips, pins and bands that bind hair. Do not use hair spray. All wigs and hairpieces should be removed before surgery. Head coverings are provided.

Personal Care items:

You cannot wear dentures, hearing aids, contact lenses or glasses during your procedure. If you use any of these items, please bring their cases with you for proper storage. Please bring reading glasses with you.

Clothing & Valuables:

Please wear clothing that is comfortable and easily folded. If you are having surgery above the waist, do not wear pullover tops. Wear shoes that have low heels. Remove jewelry and body piercings.

We recommended that you leave all valuables at home.

In Case Of Illness:

If you develop a cold, persistent cough, sore throat, fever or any other illness with in 2 days of surgery, please notify your physician and the Center.


Visitors may stay with you before surgery. They will be able to wait in our lounge area during your procedure. Please limit your visitors to two people. Small children should be left at home. Your physician will inform your visitors of your condition once the procedure is completed.

Anesthesia Services:

We offer a complete range of anesthesia services provided by board-certified and board- eligible physicians. You will have an opportunity to meet your anesthesiologist prior to surgery to have all of your questions answered and to participate in developing your plan of care.

In the operating Room:

You are the most important person in the operating room. Your comfort and safety are our priorities. If you have questions or concerns, please ask your nurse. When you arrive in the operating room, the lights may seem bright and the temperature cool. Warm blankets are available.

After your Surgery:

Recovery time is highly individualized. Following your surgery, your anesthesiologist will determine your length of time in the recovery room. Your nurse will let you know when you are medically ready to leave the Center and will review your discharge instructions and medications with you. We will give you a copy of all the information reviewed.

Going Home:

You must make arrangements to have another person drive you home. We may cancel your surgery if you do not have someone to take you home. It also is important that you have someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours after surgery, just in case you need any assistance. Should you have any questions about your discharge instructions or recovery, please call your doctor.